Dickinson College to Host
Lectures on Food and Sustainability
Understanding, preserving, and reusing Pennsylvania’s historic agricultural landscapes can contribute to a sustainable farming future. These are topics that will be covered as part of collaborative effort of The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues at Dickinson College and the South Mountain Speaker Series.
The event, entitled, “Growth In the Garden: Food and Sustainability” is free and open to the public and will be held on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at Dickinson’s Stern Center located on W. Louther St. between West and College Sts. in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The event will open with a reception from 6-7 p.m. where you can learn all about local opportunities for farm fresh foods. The speaker’s lectures and a question and answer period will go from approximately 7-9 p.m.
Hear from Penn State Professor Sally McMurry about “Pennsylvania’s Historic Farming Legacy and Sustainable Agriculture’s Future”. She will review the broad sweep of Pennsylvania farming history and then explain seven ways in which preserving our historic agricultural buildings can go hand in hand with a sustainable agricultural future.
Brian Snyder, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture, will discuss opportunities to capitalize on the fact that sustainably raised Pennsylvania products are centrally located to some of the largest population centers in the nation. While a major agricultural state any way it's analyzed, Pennsylvania has maintained the additional distinction for several decades as a national leader in developing more sustainable and/or organic farming strategies. Mr. Snyder will discuss the current situation in terms of resources available and the challenges that lay ahead as we pursue a more sustainable future for all Pennsylvanians.
The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues at Dickinson College connects the students and faculty of Dickinson College and members of the broader community with scholars, practicing professionals and activists through the use of lectures, seminars, and conferences. By encouraging engagement with these visitors in ways that allow for dialogue and critical reflection, The Clarke Forum helps prepare students to become knowledgeable, productive, and intellectually active citizens and leaders. To learn more about the Clarke Forum and upcoming lectures visit www.clarke.dickinson.edu/
The South Mountain Speakers Series is an effort of the South Mountain Partnership, an alliance of non-profits, the public sector, academic institutions, and local businesses to conserve and promote the high-quality natural and cultural resources which will enhance the region’s economic viability. Promotion of local agricultural is a major focus of the Partnership. The Partnership receives major support from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as one of its seven Conservation Landscape Initiatives. Visit www.southmountaincli.blogspot com learn more about the South Mountain Partnership.